The Comenda in the newspaper "“A Gazeta Setubalense”
In 1877, the newspaper A Gazeta Setubalense reported that Count Armand had been in the city, visiting his property.
A Gazeta Setubalense, Nº 408, March 18, 1877, p. 2.

The Comenda in the magazine "A Construcção Moderna"
In August 1903, the renowned architecture magazine A Construcção Moderna featured the "House of His Excellency Count Armand."
Since Raul Lino was a contributor to the magazine, and this is mentioned in the article, it is likely that he provided the editor with accurate information about the project.
"House of His Excellency Count Armand at the Comenda Estate in Setúbal," A Construcção Moderna, Nº 104, August 10, 1903, p. 155.

The Comenda in the magazine "Illustração Portugueza"
In March 1908, the magazine Illustração Portugueza published an article titled "The Work of a Reformer: The Architect Raul Lino," which included a photograph of the nearly completed Comenda house.
"The Work of a Reformer: The Architect Raul Lino," Illustração Portugueza, Nº 110, March 30, 1908.

The Comenda in the magazine "A Architectura Portugueza"
In June 1908, the magazine A Architectura Portugueza published an extensive article about the new Comenda house, authored by Henrique das Neves and titled “The House of Mr. Count Armand.” The article featured five photographs by photographer Manuel Rodrigues Aldegallega.
Henrique das Neves, “The House of Mr. Count Armand at the Comenda estate near Setúbal,” A Architectura Portugueza, Nº 6, June 1908, pp. 21-24.

The Comenda in the newspaper "Correio do Sado"
In 1932, the newspaper Correio do Sado took advantage of Count Armand’s visit to Setúbal to report on the Comenda and conduct an interview with the owner.
O Correio do Sado, Nº 1, March 23, 1932.

Princess Lee Radziwill stayed at the Comenda in 1965
In July 1965, Princess Lee Radziwill, sister of Jacqueline Kennedy, visited Portugal accompanied by her two children, aged four and five, and her sister, who traveled incognito. The event was reported in the newspaper O Setubalense, which noted that the Princess stayed at the Comenda Palace, enjoyed the beach, and took a boat ride on the Sado River.
O Setubalense, N. 3412, July 17, 1965