Design, texts, and image collection: Fátima Farrica
Collaboration for the Roman Period: Ana Patrícia Magalhães
The ongoing research that made the creation of this website possible, and which will result in a future book about the property, owes much to the collaboration of various individuals and entities:
Archaeological Survey of India
Setúbal District Archive
Américo Ribeiro Photographic Archive/Setúbal City Council
Historical Archive of Casa dos Patudos
Lisbon Municipal Archive
National Archive Torre do Tombo
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Art Library and Archives
Portuguese Army Digital Library
Setúbal Municipal Library
Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Lisbon Municipal Hemeroteca
National Museum of Ancient Art/Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage/Photographic Documentation Archive
Palácio do Correio Velho-Leilões e Antiguidades S. A.
Parish of Nossa Senhora da Anunciada, Setúbal
Celestino Costa
Francisco Queiroz
Henrique Albino Figueira
João Reis Ribeiro
Olivier Armand